Andressa Mokesinski

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Belief System and patterns Reprogramming
  • Emotional Healing
  • Life Coaching
  • Corporate partnerships, Lectures and Workshops
  • Virtual & in-Person Services

Unique techniques which allow Real & Immediate Results


  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Anger
  • Self-Esteem
  • Addictions
  • Trauma, Fears & Phobias
  • Personal Development & Career
  • Relationships
  • Couples Therapy

Find out the power of Time Paradigm, my exclusive technique from Dubai

200 times more effective than the classic Hypnosis and without the need of induced trance. With Time Paradigm we can directly access the root cause of the problem at the Subconscious level and replace it with new patterns that will help you achieve what you desire and start living a Happy Life.

With Time Paradigm, a Mental Pattern, it’s behaviors and feelings are changed in a few minutes, like the pattern has never existed!

You can literally go from being shy to becoming an extroverted, from insecure to self-confident, from disorganized to laser-like focus, from insensible to a real romantic, or whatever you desire to be, within minutes!

With clients all over the World, no matter your location or problem, here you really change!

Tired of going for Therapy without seeing results?

With my innovative Program called Breaking-through which consists of 16 hours of Intensive Therapy + Coaching you:

  • Release suppressed negative emotions without suffering
  • Heal Anxiety and negative thinking
  • Get rid of Trauma, Fears and Phobias
  • Develop unshakeable Self-esteem and Personal Power
  • Resolve internal conflicts to support you making important decisions
  • Replace Negative patterns and limiting beliefs with positive ones so you can achieve what you want and increase your levels of contentment, joy and financial abundance or even find and live healthy relationships
  • Wire your goals as Future Memories in your Subconscious Mind and say goodbye to procrastination, laziness and excuses

Come and change with me!

About Andressa

In love with Human Behavior, Andressa is certified in Life Coaching, Hypnosis, Neurolinguistics Programming and her exclusive Technique: Time Paradigm, by Robert Simic Coaching Institute in Dubai.

She is also accredited by international organizations such as Federation of NLP Coaching Professionals and Continuing Coaching Education - ICF.


If you are reading this page, congratulations, you are ready to change! While many don't know their real potential and waste the chances that life gives to live fully, you have proved you do believe and that's enough to start your transformation. If instead of spending months or years going for therapy without knowing for sure the real benefits you may or may not achieve, your intention is to obtain real results in a short period of time, you are in the right place!

What if you could heal your past completely, forgive and be forgiven? What would happen if you could leave old habits and install new ones that will support your dreams? How would you feel after transforming your self image where you see yourself as the miracle of life that you are: confident, smart, a being who deserves unconditional love? You want to be the best version of you, don't you?

I'm here to help you side by side learn to live a Happy life!

What are the Emotional Intervention techniques?

Science suggests that 95% of human behavior comes from our Subconscious mind and only 5% is shaped consciously, thus the importance of Hypnosis, NLP, Time Paradigm and the Letting Go Technique to access and reset patterns recorded and projected unconsciously. Through the Time Paradigm, negative behavioral programming is quickly replaced by positive suggestions that allow the client to obtain a rapid transformation in the aspects to be improved.

Whether through Emotional Intervention or Coaching, for personal or professional development, all sessions are customized in details to match the client's needs. My goal as a Coach is to eliminate limiting beliefs and guide my clients to self knowledge and Emotional intelligence where they can regain their inner power and manifest the life they desire.


Hypnoses, Neurolinguistics Programming and Time Paradigm by Robert Simic Coaching Institute in Dubai

Accredited by Federation of NLP Coaching Professionals - FNLPCP

Acredited in Life & Spiritual Coaching by The Continuing Coach Education - ICF


Awakening Minds Emotional Health & Coaching mission is to expand people’s consciousness level, impacting positively their lives so they find a path where happiness is the most natural state of living.

Online sessions are safe and efficient. What can be done?

  • Sessions focused on weight loss
  • Release all your Negative Emotions without suffering
  • Treat Traumas and Phobias
  • Learn about your mind, emotions and how Reality is formed
  • Transcend bad habits
  • Stop eating something that you like and eat too much
  • Start liking eating something you hate
  • Don’t you like your boss but need to talk to him every day? We can make this more pleasant for both of you
  • Going through a breakup that hurts a lot? We can also help with that!
  • Do you need to develop specific skills like speaking in public or being extroverted when in reality you are shy? Done
  • Do you need to work on your self-esteem: confidence, self-love, self-image? It can be done faster than you imagine!
  • Have you lost a loved one and already know that it’s okay to stop suffering? We help you keep the beautiful memories without the burden of the hurt and guilt.
  • Do you hate exercising? If we work your self-esteem properly you will automatically like exercising, not even to look good (although you will) but because you will understand that you do deserve to FEEL GOOD. Also, there is nothing wrong with giving you a little help making the Gym sound like a cozier and more appealing place!
  • Have you been stuck financially since you can remember? You definitely have Limiting beliefs about money so come to clear them and start creating the abundance you deserve!
  • How is your love life? Are you in a toxic relationship or do you seem to keep attracting “the same kind” of partners? We need to free yourself from your unconscious patterns so you can create healthy relationships and attract the loving and committed partner that you deserve!
  • Design the Life of your dreams and we insert the goals as future memories in your subconscious mind. How much more confident could you be of achieving something if it felt like you had already achieved it?
Single sessions or my 15 hours Personal Break Through program!
Book Now your free assessment call!


Address in Dubai

Dubai Marina - Dubai
United Arab Emirates.

Address in Brazil

Trindade - Florianópolis,
Santa Catarina


+971 55 2586276
+55 41 997230507