"Until we have met the monster in ourselves, we keep trying to slay them in the outer World and we find that we can not. For all darkness in the World steams from the heart and it is there that we must do our work"
Marianne Williamsom

Do you want to truly connect with your higher self and live a life fulfilled with love, abundance and joy?

Most of us, without knowing we deserve and are capable of achieving more, settle for a life that may feel incomplete where we just live day after day hoping that somehow things will get better and we will eventually find happiness.

What If I told you that you can be happy right now? That in this very moment you can connect to who you really are and in that place of connection there is no sense of lacking, unworthiness or pain.

A Spiritual Coach helps you to go deeper in yourself to heal your body, mind and heart, allowing you to unlock your true power. Once you have the tools and the understanding that you too are a miracle and capable of achieving anything you set your mind on, you will then be free from the limitations of the mind and the self and collective conditioning that has held you hostage all your life.

Whether you are tired of facing the same situations and negative emotions over and over again and want to change your life for better; or you have already experienced a spontaneous Spiritual Awakening, I'm here to support you to walk your path with awareness, confidence and gratitude.

When I had my spiritual awakening years ago, I came across a liberating yet scary path. I was liberated through suffering and I noticed that there are other ways to climb the mountain and it became my mission to assist others on their journey to freedom.

I too felt lost, demotivated and frightened and decided to reach out for help from other spiritual coaches. Some taught me a lot and made me confident to stand tall and embrace the Grace that was coming upon me but it was only after I came across teachers looking exclusively for money, who let me drown on my despair dragging me into endless sessions which were not supporting me the way I needed. Having experienced that, I now work to genuinely help my clients so they gain the knowledge and confidence to walk on their own.

My Path finding myself

Since my childhood I have experienced unusual things, like one episode that I feel like sharing with you here, happened when I was around 5 years old. I was hungry and wanted desperate to have my soup but it was super hot so I asked God to help coll it. I then not only heard but also felt a soft blow and the soup cooled instantly. I got scared so I run to my mother and told her but she didn't believe me (how could she?!)

Another experience was in my 20s when a stranger man approached me and told me that God had a message for me: "I'm always with you, in every moment. When you hide at night by the river to cry, I'm also there with you. Like Job everything has been taken from you, like Job you shall be honored"

Until that moment I had never spoken to anyone about going to the river near my family's house to cry...I am so glad the message was sent to me and gave me the strength I would need to overcome many difficult situations that were still to come.

I always felt that God,
was watching over me

This gave me an unshakeable courage to go for anything I wanted, but until that moment I was only seeing God as something far away from me, some Higher Power that would eventually listen if I begged enough or cried enough or was in ultimate desperation.

It was only after the Spiritual Awakening that I understood that God dwells in me. The same power that creates Universes keeps my heart beaten and digest the food I intake. I then understood what Osho means when he says "Pray like a lover, not like a beggar". Through the Spiritual Awakening I am now connected to the divine source of creation, I no longer resist the flow of life which is so generous and loving and I learned that it has always been there for all of us, we only need to truly open ourselves to the grace which awaits patiently for Its children to return home.

Are you experiencing Physical Symptoms
of a Spiritual Awakening?

Although the path guides ultimately to freedom and unconditional love, there is a phase where we are expanding and embodying this higher power so there is so much changing within us during a Spiritual Awakening. We start shedding away old patters and beliefs, our emotions are all over the place and we are experiencing physical symptoms which can be quite hard to manage, especially if we need to make a living and act "normal" around people.

Below are some of the most common Physical Symptoms I have noticed and learned how to treat:

  • - Anxiety and fear of unknown
  • - Head, chest and back pains and pressure
  • - Heart palpitations
  • - Insomnia
  • - Fatigue
  • - Currents of energy/electricity through the body
  • - Magnified senses
  • - Power surges (hot flashes)

The above symptoms are only physical and they are usually accompanied by huge emotional and mental changes which open space for the individual to become his higher self and be guided by his own source of intuition and power.

During my Spiritual Awakening, after many months living in an emotional rollercoaster, I found the Time Paradigm technique which allows a person, in only one session, to get rid of all negative emotional baggage related to Anger, Hurt, Fear, Guilt and Sadness.

In only few minutes, years of negativity are transcended, thus supporting the energy to move freely through the system reducing anxiety and allowing one to feel lighter and at easy during the process.

With the right tools and behaviors to allow the consciousness expansion, the person will start seeing that we are all connected to the Spirit and when he/she opens the door to receive all the blessings the Universe is happy to provide, real miracles will start to manifest.

Get in touch to schedule your online session filling in the contact box below or send an email to: am@andressa-awakeningminds.com

If you are facing a Spiritual Emergency or Kundalini Syndrome and are going through financial difficulties, send me an email explaining your experience and I will do everything in my power to help you too: am@andressa-awakeningminds.com


Address in Dubai

Dubai Marina - Dubai
United Arab Emirates.

Address in Brazil

Trindade - Florianópolis,
Santa Catarina


+971 55 2586276
+55 41 997230507