
28/03/2022 Videos, videos
Testimonial Elisa Pacheco
26/03/2022 Videos, videos
26/03/2022 Videos, videos
Sandra Sugata Testimonial
20/03/2022 Videos, videos
10/01/2022 Videos, videos
Testimonial Thomas Metcalf
26/07/2021 Videos, videos
26/07/2021 Videos, videos
01/07/2021 Videos, videos
Testimonial Nader Daouk
28/06/2021 Videos, videos
Testimonial Lenise Novinski
22/06/2021 Videos, videos
Testimonial Arlee Lima
21/06/2021 Videos, videos
Ego & Personality - The voice in your head is NOT You
20/06/2021 Videos, videos
12/04/2021 Videos, videos
24/02/2021 Videos, videos
Why my techniques are so efficient - Understand the Power of Time Paradigm
05/01/2021 Videos, técnicas
About the power of appreciation
03/01/2021 Videos, coaching
You don’t need to face everything own your own
02/01/2021 Videos, videos
Therapy that really works - Exclusive Technique Time Paradigm
02/01/2021 Videos, técnicas
New year’s Resolution, what about doing something new? Create a New YOU and achieve what you want!
01/01/2021 Videos, coaching
Happy new year! Don’t be too hard on yourself, life is more than a collection of things or events
31/12/2020 Videos, coaching
18/12/2020 Videos, videos
16/12/2020 Videos, videos
13/12/2020 Videos, coaching
11/12/2020 Videos, hipnoterapia
10/12/2020 Articles, despertar


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10/12/2020 Videos, coaching
The illusion of personal achievement blocks Self Realization
09/12/2020 Articles, despertar

I could go on and on about how proud I am of my life and how okay I am with my age but the truth is that this is not important at all.    In fact, all this self recognition, self aggrandizement and self expectation, where one makes a balance of his/hers “achievements in life”...

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The importance of Mental and Emotional health in our lives - know this and start prioritizing right
05/12/2020 Videos, coaching
15/11/2020 Videos, videos
09/11/2020 Videos, videos
The truth behind Negative Emotions
15/10/2020 Videos, hipnoterapia
The truth about Courage
13/10/2020 Articles, hipnoterapia

Courage, as defined in the dictionary, “is the ability to do something that frightens one”. It’s not a quality, but a choice; a person feels the fear or pain or danger but chooses to persevere anyway. Courage, contrary to what many people think, is not the absence of fear, in fact the m...

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What feeling depressed really means and how to change that
24/09/2020 Articles, artigos

The pandemic seems to have stirred up all the deep settled emotional dirt that we have stored and carried with us for so long. With more time to ourselves, it is natural that the body and mind will find natural ways to heal and one of them is showing us what is wrong through our thinking process...

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Growth or Protection, which one do you choose?
16/09/2020 Articles, coaching

Survival involves the balance between Growth and Protection. Through the history of Human Evolution, we recognize that our nature is to be in the state of Growth, protection is supposed to be used during a real threatening moment.   We can’t be in Growth and in Protection modes at...

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Your Comfort Zone will keep you where you are
11/09/2020 Articles, coaching

Have you ever thought about what exactly is the famous yet not really understood “Comfort Zone”?  I still remember the day I skydived, I used to believe I had a phobia of heights so the decision to jump demanded really high levels of courage from me.  When I was only buying th...

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Your reality ins't real
02/09/2020 Articles, coaching

What if I told you that your Perceived Reality isn’t real? What if what your perceive is totally and completely different from what others perceive?Today we will talk briefly about how our realities are formed and the importance of knowing the filters that are part of our Conditioning.*For those w...

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It is so scary to be a separate creature out here on this Planet
13/08/2020 Articles, despertar

All the burden of self preservation of a physical body striving to survive, to get food, shelter, trying to meet emotional and multiple needs that change all the time.Out of fear we constantly try to accumulate material possessions to make sure there is “enough”.Being purposeless we then attempt...

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How Insecurity Leads to feelings of Envy & Jealousy
13/08/2020 Articles, coaching

Feelings like jealousy and envy are a strong sign of a low self-esteem!When we envy someone for having or being something that we are not, we project our anger onto them in the form of negative judgement to attempt making them look bad in order to ease our internal pain for feeling unworthy or incap...

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Meditation has changed my life!
03/07/2020 Articles, despertar

I started meditating 2,5 years ago and I now can barely remember the person I used be. I remember well though, the feelings of uneasiness, fear and stress I used to have. Through meditation I became aware that there was more in life than just chasing my own tale searching for happiness. It gave...

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You can only help if you are happy
04/06/2020 Articles, hipnoterapia

Why is it so difficult to be happy? Have you ever thought about this? Or what is Happiness? Have you ever come up with a concept about it? Have you asked your parents or grandparents who you believe that by now would have figured the main question of our existence out? The most precious gift ...

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What is Emotional Intelligence and how it benefits you
06/05/2020 Articles, coaching

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage and control our emotions. Knowing that emotions are driving our behaviors and impacting our interactions with other people, we need to find ways to enhance our ability to understand and use our emotions to our own benefit.Not only related to support us...

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Spiritual Awakening & Ego death
08/03/2020 Articles, despertar

Thinking about your little self, the separated one that you created when you were around 07-09 years old, the "little Me". After identifying to that character who has a name, an address, plays a specific sport at School and has a toy that he/she loves, that little you (Ego) has grown out of control ...

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